FENDI Handbag Listed at $1,382, 28.67% Below the Average Price of FENDI Bags

FENDI Handbag Listed at $1,382, 28.67% Below the Average Price of FENDI Bags

The FENDI handbag is priced 28.67% below the average prices of all FENDI handbags available in the secondary markets today. Unfortunately, without specific data on the month-to-date (MTD), quarter-to-date (QTD), and year-to-date (YTD) price changes for FENDI handbags across these marketplaces, it's challenging to provide a detailed trend analysis or forecast for variations in their pricing over these periods.

FENDI Zucca Baguette 3way Shoulder Bag Canvas Leather Brown 7VA478 90201399

Platform : eBay

Price : $1,382

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