Gucci Shoulder Bag Listed at $1,064, 43.77% Below the Average Price of Gucci Handbags

Gucci Shoulder Bag Listed at $1,064, 43.77% Below the Average Price of Gucci Handbags

The Gucci shoulder bag is available on eBay for $1,064, which is 43.77% less expensive than the average price of all Gucci handbags currently listed in the secondary luxury markets. There have been no specific details provided regarding the month-to-date (MTD), quarter-to-date (QTD), or year-to-date (YTD) price changes for Gucci handbags, suggesting a stable market scenario for these luxury items as of the latest updates.

Gucci GG Supreme Shoulder Bag Beige 658487

Platform : eBay

Price : $1,064

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